Wednesday, October 4, 2017

What We Carry Out of This Place

We kid ourselves
about the amt. of time
we’ll sojourn in this place
—much of it spent striving
to feed our face, buy clothing,
provide shelter. Then, nothing.
Remembered maybe a generation
or two. Three probably at the most.
Why not strive just as hard or harder
to show love, to lessen others’ burdens.
It’s all temporary anyway. Someone else
will reside in our homes in a few short
years. Nothing  here  is permanent.
Our   journeys  will continue  in
another world, another realm,
invisible  now,  but just  as
real. It exists, so why not
accumulate substance in
what we carry out with
us?  love, peace, love,
peace, peace, peace,
love, peace, peace,
peace, love, love,
love, love, love,
peace,  peace,
love, peace,
love, love,

D.C. Buschmann
October 4, 2017


  1. Excellent...excellent.

    I also really like the form (if that's the right word?). Maybe it's structure. The way the piece looks.

    How it begins on the left and then protrudes out to the right..exemplifying where we spend most of our time in this temporal realm.

    Love the ending...

  2. Many thanks, Carol! I didn't know if the form worked because it isn't anything recognizable. I appreciate the appreciation!!!!
