Friday, November 24, 2017

Veronica Jarshi on life, holidays, gratitude, etc.

Your gratitude doesn’t need to be for the showy, enormous, money-raining moments of life. Being grateful is a mindset of happiness for the small, lovely things in an ordinary day.
Doing that may sound hokey or cheesy. “Really? Grateful for such a small, insignificant thing?”
But the truth is that the smaller things are what make up a day. After all, it was the small yet constant, unyielding barrage of damaging comments and neglect and silent treatment and belittling through your childhood that led to the deep gash on your heart. 
“If all small things can cause so much sorrow,” a friend recently told me, “then can’t it mean that many small things can cause so much joy?”

From: "Grateful for the Good in Your Life"


  1. Good thoughts! Being thankful for the small things is something I try to do often. We have so much that we take for granted...


  2. Yes, I try to show gratitude, too, and say thank you often. I hope you are staying warm and enjoying your pre-Christmas season. Wish we lived closer. It would be fun to meet for lunch. Hugs.
